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Litany of Lies
Litany of Lies
Litany of Lies
Paperback, 262 pages
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Litany Of Lies

At an outback campfire at Ora Banda, a hidden gunman shoots down Gypsy Joker, Billy Grierson.

The isolated gold mining town was owned by a former ranking cop, Don Hancock. He had the pub, the race track, the general store, caravan park and a gold ore crusher.

Hancock earned millions in illicit gold when he was Western Australia's most senior detective. He owned a gold mine, race horses, properties and a large share portfolio in gold ventures. He also received regular cash from prostitutes for his protection.

He was the State's foremost cop, and foremost corrupt cop.

His reputation was based on an infamous sting on the Royal Mint, Perth. Bullion worth (in today's money) about $2.9m was extracted by a cunning thief using only a telephone. No witnesses, no violence, no victim. An extraordinary crime that was solved by Don Hancock, delivering up three brothers, Brian, Peter and Ray Mickelberg, who copped lengthy sentences.

And it was all based on falsified evidence.

Lovell's first book, The Mickelberg Stitch, detailed a forged fingerprint, false confessions and a sham sketch of a suspect. The book was swiftly banned on police applications. His second book, Split Image, did not even hit the streets because of police and Crown threats to booksellers.

A few weeks after the murder of Billy Grierson, Ora Banda was blown to pieces. A year later, Don Hancock was executed by a car bomb. Was it the bikies? . . . Or was it crooked fellow cops afraid he would reveal his dark secrets?

The entire bizarre history of a twisted judicial and police system is exposed in:
Litany of Lies

The Mickelberg Stitch
The Mickelberg Stitch - (1st edition) 1985
(1st edition) 1985
Paperback, 285 pages
Special. A few remaining copies of the sought after first edition, now a collector's item. A small price to pay for a piece of history.
Restricted a week after release in 1985, this book is a piece of history. It reads like a spy thriller yet revolves around a real crime.
$23.00 (Limited numbers)
The Mickelberg Stitch - (2nd edition) 2002
(2nd edition) 2002
Paperback, 285 pages
After 17 years this reprint is finally available throughout Australia at all good bookshops and newsagents.
Buy it here and we will post it to you immediately!
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A Real-Life Thriller

$653,000 in gold bullion stolen from the Perth Mint in West Australia. No violence, no victim and precious little evidence, yet three brothers were convicted and given sentences of 12, 16 and 20 years. The brothers maintained that they were framed.

This book demonstrates shortcomings in the 'security' of installations and services dealing with gold bullion, subsequent police investigation, and the judicial process in Australia's wild west.

Relevant to everybody in that the authors' observations published in 1985 are being proven factual in 2002 - Evidence was manufactured and destroyed so that jury members were not given the opportunity to dispense justice…and this in a western, first world democratic society.

The book was then effectively banned through legal actions brought by police officers.
Burglary, theft, arson and fraud led to the crime. Unsigned confessions, illegal surveillance, assault and destruction of evidence led to the accused fighting to prove that they were framed.

The right to 'Freedom of Speech' and the presumption of innocence are put into question as a result of this chilling expose.


Split Image
Split Image
(1st edition) 1990
Hardback, 416 pages
Split Image- Now that truth of the Mickelberg Stitch has been confirmed; buy the hard-hitting sequel and its exciting insight into corrupt legal processes.
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A true story of international intrigue

Global quest for justice and the preservation of basic human rights with a focus on how a 'guilty' verdict can be assured via the omission, destruction and fabrication of vital evidence by authorities desperate for a conviction.

When the Perth Royal Mint had over $650,000 in gold bars stolen on one day, amid a string of similar bullion-related crimes, investigating detectives were under intense pressure to conclude the case quickly.

The suspicion that police had framed the suspects grew stronger and as evidence mounted, high-level governmental authorities colluded to cover it up...and protect the 'infallability' of forensic methods in courtrooms around the world.


Collectors Edition
Split Image Collectors Edition (Limited)
Split Image Collectors Edition (Limited)
Only 40 of 100 remain
List of actions
There is a list of actions relating to "The Mickelberg Stitch" and "Split Image" and reported decisions re various actions. Legalfolk Click Here
About this Book...
Have a look at more info, the introduction & contents page from Split Image
A true story of international intrigue
Universities, collectors, leather fetishists and lawyers may wish to add this tome to their libraries. Act quickly as the only print run was limited to 100 books of which fewer than 40 remain.

The Royal Mint is swindled of over 2000 Oz of gold bullion in the Australian west coast city of Perth in 1982.
Three brothers, Raymond, Peter and Brian Mickelberg are convicted of fraudulently conspiring to steal the golden fortune. There was precious little direct evidence, except a curious fingerprint.
But evidence had been tampered with by Crown officers...
As evidence shuffled back and forth in a pragmatic dance of deceit. International power-games ensued in Britain, Canada, the United States and Australia to protect forensic science.
Seven years later, in 1989, $1,000,000 of gold bullion was delivered to a news reporter, with a note claiming the Mickelbergs were innocent!

Avon Lovell continues his exposition that follows the conviction and imprisonment of the brothers over the 1982 Great Mint Swindle. The New Scotland Yard, the O.P.P., U.S. Secret Service, the F.B.I. and the Royal Canadian Mounties all contributed and learnt from the scrutiny of forensic evidence in the appeals that followed. 'Police Science' will never be the same.
All echelons of the judicial process are forced to review their procedures in the light of this expose of corruption, collusion and fabrication in the interests of maintaining a conviction.
Police, prosecution and the separation of government and legal fraternity are scrutinized.
Where 'The Mickelberg Stitch' reveals how a major fraud was executed, the corrupted proceedings in the collation of the hand-up brief, 'Split Image' offers an insight into the depths that individuals, organisations and governments will go in order to protect the integrity of a flawed justice system.